Saturday, October 21, 2006

The best way to REDUCE YOUR DEBT without getting a part-time job or refinancing to get a lower interest rate on your debt is NO SECRET. There are literally thousands of debt counselors and debt management services out there that claim to help you reduce and even eliminate your debt. All they do is structure your budget and allow you to pay off that debt in a lesser amount of time. That you can do yourself with a little DISCIPLINE and PERSEVERANCE. First, make a list of all your debts and figure out how much you can set aside for paying off those debts. You will start with your smallest debt first and then take on the other ones in a similar fashion. Once you pay off that first debt you will have money left over the next month to work on the next debt. Mind you, this is where the DISCIPLINE comes in. Do not get into more debt because you have a little EXTRA CASH left at the end of the month. I know it is tempting, but the goal is still far at hand. As you eliminate debt after debt you will get a sense of accomplishment with every debt eliminated and you will regain your confidence as a good Money Manager.
You say you don't have any money to start, well here are some ways to find money in your budget.
1. Buy a USED CAR and get rid of your gas guzzling pride and joy. Who cares what
the neighbors think. You have just saved about three hundred dollars on the
payment and about seventy more on the insurance.

2. Start a savings account at the beginning of the month, right after you get paid.
set aside 10% of your check for DEBT ELIMINATION. I know it's hard but this
will keep you from spending that money on your WANTS and spend it on what
you really NEED.


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